Beyond the Finish Line: Lessons from Marathon Running for Product Success

Aditya Phatak
3 min readDec 7, 2023


Aditya Phatak — Tata Mumbai Marathon

Embarking on the arduous yet rewarding journey of marathon running has not only sculpted my physical and mental endurance but has unexpectedly become a poignant metaphor for my experiences in product management.

This short and quick write-up delves into my personal connection with both pursuits, illuminating the profound parallels that exist between the disciplined world of marathon running and the dynamic landscape of product management.

The parallels between marathon running and product management are most apparent in the shared attribute of perseverance. As a marathon runner, I’ve faced the inevitable wall of fatigue, urging me to dig deeper, pushing through pain and exhaustion. This same tenacity is a vital asset in product management, where setbacks, market volatility, and evolving consumer demands are inevitable. The lessons learned on the marathon course have seamlessly translated into the professional realm, teaching me the value of relentless perseverance in the face of challenges.

The significance of pacing in both marathon running and product management cannot be overstated. In marathons, starting too fast often results in burnout before reaching the finish line. Similarly, rushing the development process in product management can lead to suboptimal outcomes. The art of pacing, learned through countless miles on the road, has been a guiding principle in releasing product features strategically. Just as I gauge my energy levels during a race, I gauge the progress of a product to ensure sustainable growth over its lifecycle.

Aditya Phatak — Tata Mumbai Marathon

Strategic Thinking
My experiences as a marathon runner have instilled in me a strategic mindset that seamlessly aligns with the demands of product management. Marathon races require meticulous planning to navigate varying terrains and unpredictable weather conditions. This strategic thinking, honed through countless hours of training and racing, has proven invaluable in anticipating challenges, making informed decisions, and adjusting my approach in the dynamic world of product management.

Marathons are unpredictable, with factors like weather, terrain, and physical conditions constantly changing. Similarly, the landscape of product management is marked by dynamic shifts in technology, consumer behavior, and industry trends. The adaptability cultivated on the marathon course has become a cornerstone of my approach to product management, enabling me to embrace change as an integral part of the journey and leverage it to my advantage.

Aditya Phatak — Thane Hiranandani Half Marathon

Key Takeaways
As I seamlessly navigate between the world of marathon running and product management, the key takeaways from each domain enrich my holistic approach. The enduring lessons of perseverance, pacing, strategic thinking, and adaptability gleaned from marathon experiences propel me forward in my professional endeavors. These principles serve as a compass, guiding me through the challenges of both realms, ensuring that the disciplined strides of the marathon course are mirrored in the strategic maneuvers of product management. In this synthesis of passion and profession, I find a unique synergy that fuels my pursuits and promises enduring success on both fronts.

More about my marathon journey (how it all began!):



Aditya Phatak

Product · UX Design · I occasionally write 'quick reads' and to-the-point articles on #ProductManagement // Currently Sr. Product Manager at ESPNcricinfo